til-jasontorres by Jason Torres

Product Magic

Not really TIL. But as a general update of my interests.

I've been doing a bunch of AI projects these past 12 months. A few weeks ago I decided to start working on a hobby project that resembles what I want to do for the next few months, that is to build some products, either for profit or just for me to learn new things.

Since I'm embarking on solo-development sprints, to help me focus better, I decided to build a product that would assist me on building things.

Here goes Product Magic. A product management tool that enables solo-developers like me to conceptualise products further.

You can start by putting in a single prompt, or can create a proper project.

It can generate the following for

  • Milestones
  • Requirements
  • User Stories
  • Screens and UI components
  • Product Brief
  • Development timelines
  • Database schema
  • And a lot more!

I personally think it's an amazing tool that it's worth every moment I spent my time on it.

Together, I also learned

  • Progressive prompt engineering -- that means as more and more data being generated by the AI about the project, the more I can fine-tune the prompts for the desired objective.
  • Streaming. Particularly, object and UI streaming
  • Structured JSON outputs and function calling.
  • GPT-4o (despite using other GPTs a lot)
  • Vercel AI SDK.
  • Assistants and Fine-Tuning
  • Various LLM providers
  • RAG
  • Diagram Generation
  • Cloudflare Pages
  • Cloudflare Workers
  • Cloudflare AI
  • Various content-rich formaters

I had fun working on this and I learned a lot and I look forward using the tool for my upcoming projects.

Posted: 6/6/2024